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- Persistence of Vision Quantiser Utilities version 1.6
- =====================================================
- ===========================
- Description
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- This archive contains the source code for a set of programs to convert
- image files produced by DKB-Trace or the Persistence of Vision raytracer
- into a format suitable for display on a VGA screen, or to GIF format. It
- includes programs to generate a single stereoscopic 3D image from two
- views of a scene, as well as programs to produce animation from multiple
- ray-traced images.
- Colour quantisation program which post-processes raw image files
- produced by the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (PoV Ray). Two
- versions can be compiled: one uses Heckbert's median-splitting
- algorithm, whereas the other uses Octree quantisation.
- Displays either 320x400 or 320x200 images on a VGA screen, either 2D,
- or stereo 3D. 3D images require Sega 3D-glasses to be connected to the
- serial port for viewing.
- Reads an animation source file (*.VAR), and uses it to generate data
- files for the PoV ray tracer.
- Produces a .FLI file containing a series of images to be displayed by
- a .FLI player (e.g. Autodesk's AAPLAY).
- PVQUAN16.ZIP Archive contents
- =============================
- This archive contains subdirectory information... unzip it using
- It will create a subdirectory tree in your current directory as follows:
- pvquan ─┐ Sample files
- ├─ quant Heckbert and Octree quantisers
- ├─ animdat Animation Scene file generator
- ├─ giflib GIF encode/decode library
- ├─ flilib FLI creation library
- ├─ anim FLI creation source code
- ├─ vga VGA mode-X library
- └─ display VGA 3D display
- Each directory contains source code, plus make-files to produce
- executable programs via MS-DOS, OS/2, or Unix.
- You may also wish to create a BIN directory off the PVQUAN directory...
- the sample make-files attempt to place executable programs there.
- To create your own executables:
- 1. In each directory, rename the appropriate version of the
- makefile to MAKEFILE (e.g. REN MAKEDOS MAKEFILE if compiling for
- DOS).
- Because both quantisers use common code, they are contained in
- the same directory. This causes some problems in terms of naming
- the makefiles.
- rename MAKEDOS.OCT to MAKEFILE to produce OCTREE.EXE
- In OS/2, rename MAKEFILE.OCT to MAKEFILE to produce OCTREE.EXE
- In Unix, rename MAKEUNIX.HEC to MAKEFILE to produce HECKBERT
- rename MAKEUNIX.OCT to MAKEFILE to produce OCTREE
- 2. Edit each makefile to include the correct path to your compiler,
- linker, executable location, etc.
- In MS-DOS, all source files compile and link cleanly (no
- warnings, no errors) using Turbo C++ v1.0. Other versions of
- Turbo-C should also work. Some editing will be required for
- other compilers.
- In OS/2, all source files compile and link cleanly (no warnings,
- no errors) using IBM's C Set/2 v1.0. Some editing will be
- required for other compilers.
- In Unix, all source files compile and link cleanly (no warnings,
- no errors) using GNU's gcc on a Sun IPC SPARCstation. The
- previous version compiled cleanly under SCO's cc compiler on a
- 486 PC, but this version hasn't been tested with that. Some
- editing will be required for other compilers.
- 3. Create FLI, GIF, and VGA libraries via MAKE. N.B. The OS/2
- version does not use libraries. Instead the .OBJ files are
- linked in directly.
- 4. Create executable programs via MAKE.
- File Names
- ----------
- pvquan/
- pvquan/readme This file
- pvquan/pvquan.doc Documentation on quantisers, etc.
- pvquan/bball.var Bouncing ball animation
- pvquan/bball.pov Scene description for bouncing ball
- pvquan/pacman.var Pacman animation description
- pvquan/pacman.pov Scene description for Pacman animation
- pvquan/pacman.iff Part of Pacman scene
- pvquan/trace.sh Unix script to trace a scene in background
- pvquan/trace1.sh Unix script (called by trace.sh)
- pvquan/anim.sh Unix script to create an animation
- pvquan/anim1.sh Unix script (called by anim.sh)
- pvquan/anim.cmd OS/2 (4OS2) script to create an animation
- pvquan/quant/ Quantisers directory
- pvquan/quant/heckbert.c Heckbert quantisation
- pvquan/quant/heckbert.h
- pvquan/quant/octree.c Octree quantisation
- pvquan/quant/octree.h
- pvquan/quant/virt_mem.c Virtual memory (for TurboC & Heckbert)
- pvquan/quant/quant.c Quantiser Main program
- pvquan/quant/quant.h
- pvquan/quant/files.c File handling
- pvquan/quant/makeunix.oct Unix Octree makefile
- pvquan/quant/makeunix.hec Unix Heckbert makefile
- pvquan/quant/makedos.hec Turbo C Heckbert makefile
- pvquan/quant/link.hec Turbo C Heckbert TLINK commands
- pvquan/quant/makedos.oct Turbo C Octree makefile
- pvquan/quant/link.oct Turbo C Octree TLINK commands
- pvquan/quant/makefile.oct OS/2 Octree makefile (rename to makefile)
- pvquan/quant/makefile.dep OS/2 Octree make dependencies
- pvquan/quant/makehec.dep OS/2 Heckbert dependencies (rename to makefile.dep)
- pvquan/quant/makefile.hec OS/2 Heckbert makefile (don't rename)
- pvquan/animdat/ Animation scene description generator
- pvquan/animdat/readme.doc Documentation for animdat
- pvquan/animdat/animdat.doc Documentation for animdat
- pvquan/animdat/common.h
- pvquan/animdat/error.h
- pvquan/animdat/scanner.h
- pvquan/animdat/btree.h
- pvquan/animdat/symtab.h
- pvquan/animdat/bball.pov
- pvquan/animdat/bball.var
- pvquan/animdat/scanner.c
- pvquan/animdat/error.c
- pvquan/animdat/btree.c
- pvquan/animdat/animdat.c
- pvquan/animdat/symtab.c
- pvquan/animdat/makeunix Unix makefile
- pvquan/animdat/makeos2 OS/2 makefile
- pvquan/animdat/makefile.dep OS/2 make dependencies
- pvquan/animdat/makedos Turbo C makefile
- pvquan/animdat/link.cmd Turbo C TLINK commands
- pvquan/giflib/ GIF encode/decode library
- pvquan/giflib/gif_hash.c
- pvquan/giflib/gif_hash.h
- pvquan/giflib/egif_lib.c
- pvquan/giflib/gif_lib.h
- pvquan/giflib/dgif_lib.c
- pvquan/giflib/makeunix Unix makefile
- pvquan/giflib/makeos2 OS/2 makefile
- pvquan/giflib/makefile.dep OS/2 make dependencies
- pvquan/giflib/makedos Turbo C makefile
- pvquan/flilib/ FLI encode library
- pvquan/flilib/aaerr.h
- pvquan/flilib/aascreen.h
- pvquan/flilib/aaflisav.h
- pvquan/flilib/aatypes.h
- pvquan/flilib/aafii.h
- pvquan/flilib/aafli.h
- pvquan/flilib/str_low.c Low-level string handling (Unix, OS/2)
- pvquan/flilib/str_low.asm Low-level string handling (Turbo C)
- pvquan/flilib/str_low.h
- pvquan/flilib/compfram.c
- pvquan/flilib/lccomp.c
- pvquan/flilib/creatfli.c
- pvquan/flilib/brun.c
- pvquan/flilib/copyscre.c
- pvquan/flilib/flierr.c
- pvquan/flilib/memscree.c
- pvquan/flilib/fccomp.c
- pvquan/flilib/makeunix Unix makefile
- pvquan/flilib/makeos2 OS/2 makefile
- pvquan/flilib/makefile.dep OS/2 make dependencies
- pvquan/flilib/makedos Turbo C makefile
- pvquan/flilib/flilib.rsp Turbo C TLIB commands
- pvquan/anim/ FLI generator program
- pvquan/anim/animfli.c
- pvquan/anim/makeunix Unix makefile
- pvquan/anim/makeos2 OS/2 makefile
- pvquan/anim/makefile.dep OS/2 make dependencies
- pvquan/anim/makedos Turbo C makefile
- pvquan/anim/link.cmd Turbo C TLINK commands
- pvquan/vga/ VGA 320x200, 320x400 screen library (Turbo C)
- pvquan/vga/vga.h
- pvquan/vga/vga200.c
- pvquan/vga/vga400.c
- pvquan/vga/vga_pal.c
- pvquan/vga/vga_retr.c
- pvquan/vga/makefile Turbo C makefile
- pvquan/display/ VGA display program (Turbo C)
- pvquan/display/display.c
- pvquan/display/makefile Turbo C makefile